Tuesday, March 10, 2009

seriously...i'm worried....~~~~

ak nk bgtw yg ak btul2 rsau...mcm2 bnda la...yg paling penting adalah ak pny study..exam mkin nk dkt, byk gler bnda ak nk kna cover...risau ngn result sem 4 ak..ak x nk repeat paper weyh... cuak sey...ak nk blik uma...nk cuti...

tapi aku ni...
risau je lebih..tp effort nk study tu mcm makin xde je...huhu...
GOD, help me...give me strength...

then, actually..there are still a lot of thing i'm worried about...huhu...
when the day has come, i will post them as my new post....~~~~


  1. cik ! jgn risau2 x bek untuk ksihatan hehehe..dgrlaa nsihat doctor nii..bnyakkan makanan rohani yer ..jia you!! exam final niii..

  2. tq farah...
    aku tgh berusaha sedaya aku..
    nnt kte leh la cuti lme2 cm aritu...hehe..
