Sunday, February 3, 2013

be a medical student

just finish chit-chatting with my old friend...

medical student membosankan??? can't deny...just don't be so straight forward like that la...
just an opinion, next time when you are looking for thesis's title, put this as yours,

'medical students' perception about themselves being a medical student'

kami pon kadang2 terasa bosan dgn life as medical students, pegi makan, balik makan, balik bilik, keluar bilik, nak tidur, bangun tidur, fikir nak study apa. kalau pegi outing arini nak kena balik awal sbb x cover lagi topik sekian2..even during watching a movie at cinema, mind keep thinking yesterday's lecture and what need to be covered when go home. alamak! kena tido awal, takut esok bangun lambat nak kena update patient b4 round. alaaaa, arini ada teaching ngn Dr.???, takutnya sbb dia garang giler. ala itu, ala ini, mengeluh sne's my own experiencesssss...

just be in our shoes,,,,then you know how stress we are...PLUS!! bila u kata i membosankan...

:( :( :(

Friday, February 1, 2013


if crying and tears make someone to dehydrate, i'm sure enough i've been resuscitate now...

sabar wahai hati

almost 5 years...could it be my dream come true? or else it will forever become a dream?
and i'm sure enough, my patience almost exceeding its threshold...whether 1,2,3 months or 1,2,3 years later? 
i can just pray, but the more i pray, the more unsure i wait, or not to wait. to continue or to stop love. to still be patience. or a victim of what so called 'relationship'.
yeah! i know exam just around that corner. it's important. but?? 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

proud of him

we officially finish with SSM. Thank God....

n grup ak x mng pon. n ak x kisah. haha...but quite jeles la ngn grup yg mng. tp nk wat cmne, research diorg xnk gempak2 gler plak kan. x kisah la. yg penting ktorg dh buat yg terbaek utk SSM posting ni.

ak jd pengiring VIP mse muasrm tu. n involve jgak la dlm pembikinan gimik persembahan tu. n its great!!!!

ada DR from Indon jd judges which are specialty in statistic @ CRP (what we called in bandung)
n ada few teman2 from UNPAD. happy to see them presenting their study. kesian jugak la sbb ada yg bersusah payah present in English. tp bila dpt bertutur dlm bahasa mereka, nah!! lancar terus...~~ give u all big applause!!!! yeah~~~

after finish, we talked with them. share. n i miss BANDUNG's LIFE DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

tp ada 1 perkara yg buat ak ter'touching' jgak la..

Student D : Doc, bisa ga doc kalu kita buat kayak gini di UNPAD"?" (he means this event, MUASRM)

Dr.R: jgn tanya ama doc. tanya dulu ama diri kamu. bisa ga kamu bikin event kayak gini??
Dr.R : kamu presentasi ga mahu nanggalin begnya. masih keanakan kayaknya.
Dr.R : kamu lihat gak gimana mereka presentasi tadi? (presenter oral + poster), mereka itu kelihatan professional. (smbil buat thumbs up!)

ak tersentap. bukan sbb apa. kalau aku la yg ada kt tmpat dia, ak xkan tanya soalan mcm tu. paling2 pon ak akn x sabar nk hbis. n pastu nk jln2 around KL. tp dia mmg seorg pemimpin yg bercita2 tinggi. salute sama lho.

dia ada cita2 nk buat event yg selayaknya dikatakan GRAND klu buat kt UNPAD. tp pada aku?? MUASRM ni xdela grand segrand2nya sbb dh terlalu byk kali attend majlis2 mcm ni.

wow!! ak mcm nk nangis jgak la sbb dia tu ketua angkatan 2007 mse kt BDO. utk mereka sbb ada ketua angkatan yg berpikiran mcm tu n FRIENDLY!!!!

my dear friend, ak doakan sgt2 korg boleh buat event seumpama ini...insyaAllah, dgn izinNya, klu niat korg mmg baik, pasti akn jadi jugak..aminn~~

Saturday, May 26, 2012

after a long time has passed

when she know that one day (which she would never not know when), her prince will going back to his original place. she kept holding his hand as she afraid that he will disappear anytime in a blink.

she proposed him to marry her. although she always know that he will leave her no matter what.

n she dont ever get the chance to say GOODBYE~~


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


saya sgt semangat nk study utk final year.
hope everything will go smoothly.
saya sudah sgt x sabar nk habis blaja.
nak keje.
nak kawen.
nak jd ibu.

Friday, March 16, 2012


knpe kadang2 ada org x igt apa yg dia dh buat dulu ekh?
u do the same thing as what i was doing now.
no. WE! US!

Friday, March 9, 2012

thank you to Allah..

tamat sudah exam 4th year..
hope result nnt ak pass...
xnk reseat...
bg ak pluang cuti lama2 plak...

apapun redha je...
ALLAH knows best.

syukur sbb spnjg study week n exam, ak dikurniakan tubuh badan yg sihat..
xde sakit2...
except for pening2 kepala ckit...

tp, trima kasih ALLAH sbb tak mem'blank'kan otakku masa jwb exam...